Serlachius Museum Gösta Extension
North Facade
Location Mäntta, Finland
Status   Competition
Design   2010−2011
Function   Museum, Restaurant
Floor Area   4760 m² (gros)
The Gösta extension of the Serlachius Museum leaves the existing park and the old museum untouched. The new building together with Joenniemi Manor forms a glass-roofed courtyard in which the characteristic outside stairs of the existing museum are continued downwards to the new exhibition level. All exhibition facilities and other public spaces are positioned around this well-lit courtyard. The completely glazed, centrally positioned hall forms a bridge over the new courtyard, connecting the foyer with Joenniemi Manor. Darkened by curtains and sliding doors, it functions as a separate conference or exhibition room. The new museum is meant to be introvert and to focus on art, architecture and architectural history. Only the restaurant, generously opened towards lake and sun, and the foyer, optically enlarged by the cantilevered upper floor, inviting to enter the museum, are connected with the outside.
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